GITA 1 22-23

This is Kai's Computer Science Page. We are studying C#.

About Page


In this project, we learned how to use labels and buttons which can do different things like change the color and font of objects.

Mailing Label


In this project, we learned how to use textboxes and use the text from each box and paste them into a label in 1 button.

Car Rental


In this project, we used math to determine car prices and we used variables and parsing to display the information

BMI Index


In this project, we learned how to round numbers and we used a lot of math.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project, we used math to determine car prices and we learned how to use radio buttons and checkboxes.

Triangle Checker


In this project, we used a lot of math and geometry, we also learned how to use randomization.

Craps Game


In this project, we used randomization and if statements and you can play the classic game "Craps!"

Taco Shop


In this project, we learned how to display Message Boxes and icons, try and catch and disabling and enabling buttons.

Slot Machine


In this project, we used randomization, and you can play another classic slot machine game!"

Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Spock


In this project, we used a lot of if statements and radio buttons and you can play rock paper scissors with extra rules!"

Incremental Game


In this project, we learned how to play sounds and background music, animations, timers and event handling when you click certain keys!"

Fish Tank


In this project, we learned how to use arrays."

Simple Board Game


One of my favorite projects, I made it complex and very fun to play!"

2D Submarines


Very difficult project, required a lot of critical thinking. Overcoming the challenge was fun overall. We also used 2D arrays. "

Tic Tac Toe


Just your average tic tac toe, you can play it with friends!"

Basic AI


The AI will follow you until you lose. We learned how to use animation in this project.

Basic AI Upgrade


An upgraded version of the last project. This time we get to fight back at the AI by shooting bullets.

Fishing Simulator


Fish for fish before the predator eats them all. We learned foreach loops!

Math Menu


A lot of math... But we learned how to do complex calculations and open forms!