About Page9/8/22In this project, we learned how to use labels and buttons which can
do different things like change the color and font of objects. |
Mailing Label9/14/22In this project, we learned how to use textboxes and use the text from
each box and paste them into a label in 1 button. |
Car Rental9/20/22In this project, we used math to determine car prices and we used
variables and parsing to display the information |
BMI Index9/29/22In this project, we learned how to round numbers and we used a lot
of math. |
Car Rental Upgrade10/06/22In this project, we used math to determine car prices and we learned how
to use radio buttons and checkboxes. |
Triangle Checker10/16/22In this project, we used a lot of math and geometry, we also
learned how to use randomization. |
Craps Game10/20/22In this project, we used randomization and if statements and you can
play the classic game "Craps!" |
Taco Shop11/01/22In this project, we learned how to display Message Boxes and icons,
try and catch and disabling and enabling buttons. |
Slot Machine11/07/22In this project, we used randomization, and you can play
another classic slot machine game!" |
Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Spock11/15/22In this project, we used a lot of if statements and radio buttons and
you can play rock paper scissors with extra rules!" |
Incremental Game12/04/22In this project, we learned how to play sounds and background music, animations,
timers and event handling when you click certain keys!" |
Fish Tank01/09/23In this project, we learned how to use arrays." |
Simple Board Game01/19/23One of my favorite projects, I made it complex and very fun to play!" |
2D Submarines02/01/23Very difficult project, required a lot of critical thinking. Overcoming the challenge was fun overall. We also used 2D arrays. " |
Tic Tac Toe02/08/23Just your average tic tac toe, you can play it with friends!" |
Basic AI02/17/23The AI will follow you until you lose. We learned how to use animation in this project. |
Basic AI Upgrade03/01/23An upgraded version of the last project. This time we get to fight back at the AI by shooting bullets. |
Fishing Simulator03/15/23Fish for fish before the predator eats them all. We learned foreach loops! |
Math Menu03/24/23A lot of math... But we learned how to do complex calculations and open forms! |