ChatGPT08/21/23In this project, we learned how to use html and make a web page with links and information. |
Technology Page Rollovers08/29/23We learned how to use image and href rollovers! We researched technology items and put it on our website. |
Business Card09/01/23A simple business card. QR Code is there too. |
Collage09/08/23In this project, we learned how to use absolute positioning, and we would position images that represented ourselves to make it look like a collage.
Merchandise Store09/19/23Now we used javascript to make calculations! You can buy many things from this merchandise ski store. |
Dice09/22/23Now we are using random numbers so you can roll dice. We also needed to calculate percentages and amount of times rolled. |
Merchandise Upgrade10/05/23The upgraded version of the store, now you can take a survey to get special discounts and more! |
Craps Game10/09/23A throwback to last year. Play the classic game of craps! |
Circle Bounce10/17/23Here we learned how to use canvases and move objects around them. A very important feature for later projects. Also collision. |
Space Invader10/24/23Now the projects get more complicated. Here we had to use the draw functions to draw shapes to make invaders and spaceships. |
Tank11/03/23Now we are shooting bullets in all directions, firing at targets that are on a timer, and yes we draw the tank with draw functions again." |
Circle Bounce Upgrade11/09/23Upgraded version of Circle Bounce. Now instead of 2 circles, there are 10 with many different sizes, speeds and colors. A rectangle moves around changing their colors." |
Number Array12/13/23A lot of math and keeping track of numbers in this project. May be different on some browsers |
Circle Art12/15/23Drawing circles to make art. |
Checkerboard12/19/23Inputting numbers to make a checkerboard |
Photons1/19/24A project where you must shoot bullets diagonally and hit approaching circles |
String Program1/23/24The user can input words and then output them to an array where it will display data about the words. |
Internet Research Project2/09/24A project that involves researching about computing innovations. |
Number Array Upgrade3/01/24An upgraded version of the number array where we'd use binary search to search for numbers in sorted arrays. |
Hornet Game3/20/24Hornets will attack each other to drain each others strength; their primary goal is to catch the meat to increase their strength! |
Minigame Mystery collection5/23/24The utlimate final project. 6 different games. You don't know what you'll play. Have fun! |